JMAN Glass and Window Installation

Website Design, Logo Design, Social Media Marketing, Google Analytics, SEO

JMAN Glass is owned and operated by Carlos Villanueva.  He did not have a website or online marketing, only a simple Facebook page and he needed a design that would attract him new customers.  He also needed a new logo designed for him as well as online marketing, SEO, Social Media marketing and online advertising like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads.

About this project

Carlos Villanueva was looking for NTX Designs to build him a website and to build up their online presence for the brand.  The company was founded by Carlos Villanueva and he was looking for help in not only designing and developing his website but also needed help with SEO, SEM and AdWords and Facebook Ads as well as designing a new logo

We have helped Carlos not only in creating and maintaining Facebook Ads but also in creating his social media presence working with him to beef up his organic SEO and SEM and a new logo design better suited to his business.

Logo Design: