Walls of Life

Website Development and Design

Over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States every year; this number means that one student every 26 seconds or 7,000 students per day does not complete high school. In addition, U.S. high school drop-outs commit 75% of all crimes. Out of that population roughly 95% will return to their respective communities. Knowing this problem needs solutions, we must work to create youth leaders for today!

About this project

Darius Pettway was looking to have a complete site Built and developed to help promote the launch of his book “A Chance To…”.  he needed a site that helped to communicate the message that by purchasing his book, you would be helping sponsor at-risk youth for his conferences to help these troubled kids dealing with bad life experiences.

The website not only needed to be a strong E-Commerce website but also needed to provide the end user with just the right amount of information to help them be able to understand his message and the message of the book and conferences.  There needed to be a balance of good graphics with well placed information to help the web visitor to understand his message effectively.